Ceramic elbow pipe liner for pulverized coal pipeline

The powder delivery pipeline is used to deliver the pulverized coal from the coal mill outlet to the burner.The operation is characterized by high flow rate, high particle hardness and a certain temperature.In this operating environment,pipeline equipment suffer from heavy wear damage,especially the elbow part. so if any part wear out, it will effect the production of whole pipeline.

 Ceramic elbow pipe liner  is the composite of steel and ceramic liner. Chemshun Ceramics manufacturer company install ceramic pipe or pipe tile liner into the steel ,which form composite wear resistant ceramic steel pipeline. this kind of pipe normally can be connected by flange. so the advantages of easy installation, high chemical resistance, high abrasion resistance make ceramic elbow pipe liner to be used widely.

 Ceramic elbow pipe liner can be used in industry like coal fired power plants,steel plants,cement plants.chemial industry etc for deliver the coal, powder, gas, air,dust,slurry,sand etc.

Chemshun Ceramics is ceramic manufacturer company supplier, we mainly offer alumina ceramic wear resistant pipe liner for kinds of industry project. more information in website: www.chemshun.com



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