The transportation assurane of ceramic lined pipe

The transportation assurane of ceramic lined pipe

Athough alumina ceramic products have high abrasion resistance and high hardness,Different degrees of damage often happened when improper handling of Logistics.So how to protect the product from damage? like ceramic plain tile, mosaic hexagoanal tile,  ceramic lined pipe  ?
In order to guarantee the product appearance is not damaged,Chemshun Ceramics factory often use carton boxes as first layer package,hard carton papers are used to separate the ceramic tiles to prevent direct connetion of tiles.As the weight and area of the mosaic or hexagoanl tile are relatively small, they can be packaged directly in a woven bag or placed in a carton according to the customer's special requirements. The right-angled part of the ceramic cylinder is easily bumped, so it is also packed in cartons for regular placement. The ceramic balls used for grinding are packed in woven bags or tons of bags. all the first package like carton or woven bags will be placed on the wooden pallet.
So someone may feel confused about package of ceramic lined pipe . which it is large sizes and large bend angle.normally Chemshun Ceramics will customize iron shelf for these bend last plastic film will be surrounded the iron shelf.
Chemshun Ceramics will pack our goods as much as possible and deliver the products safely to our customers. This is also the purpose of our service.



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