How to effectively reduce production costs for Heavy industry?

Heavy industry
For the mining, coal, power, metallurgy and other heavy industrial enterprises, large investment, if the investment cost is too high, profits will be reduced, solve the low cost of enterprise investment is a major problem, but how to reduce cost and obtain a more permanent solution, is the need to solve the problem.

Ceramic wear liner and tiles often used for tank, hopper, pipeline, conveyor belt, and the production system, a moving object sliding on the surface, these products
have been shown to greatly reduce the wear of transmission, processing, and storage devices.

All industries have to use a large number of wear resistant ceramic  products in the production system, and the choice of high quality and appropriate wear-resistant ceramic products become very important.

Ceramic wear liner in the production system, due to long-term use, as well as the use of more environment, so it is particularly important. Ceramic reinforced ceramic plates are almost as hard as diamond, and they are very useful in extending wear life.

The rubber ceramic wear liner is with a high wear resistant ceramics  alumina tile vulcanized within resilent rubber, The ceramics provide excellent resistance to wear, while the elasticity of  rubber effectiely dampens impact forces, This combination well solved the problem of the wear and impact areas .

Ceramic wear liner Many advantages include:Protects  moving parts that are subject to high wear environments,Can be used where tight tolerances or thin linings are required,Lightweight wear reduction solution , Long wear life, low maintenance and downtime. Highly corrosion resistant,Can be used with multiple attachment methods like welding and adhesives, Significant noise reduction,Significantly out lasts  & outperforms wear reduction solutions,Custom designed for specific applications,Ultra-high maximum use temperature of up to 1000°C,Can be used to resurface existing wear prone areas.



What are the characteristics of abrasion-resistant ceramic tiles?

Development of Ceramic Materials

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