Equipment maintenance includedin mining cost

Equipment maintenance includedin mining cost
Mining is the extraction of valuable minerals or other geological materials from the earth usually from an orebody, lode, vein, seam, reef or placer deposits. These deposits form a mineralized package that is of economic interest to the miner.

Before mining project start,mining cost estimating is the first work,If you are an exploration geologist, a mining engineer, a metallurgist, a mine accountant, or a practitioner of any of a number of other mining-related specialties, at some time you will be asked to do a cost estimate. Mining is an economic endeavor, and, after safety, the cost of mining and its related processes is one of the most important considerations in that endeavor.
This mining cost covers the cost of excavating,loading,lauling,drilling and auxiliary equipment as well as the costs of supply,personnel.surely equipment maintenance is another cost,which is easy to be forgetten.ceramic  alumina tiles are popular mining wear parts.
Chemshun Ceramics manufacturer mainly supply wear resistant  alumina tiles for chute,hopper,cyclone,feeder,Bucket,piping equipments.standard and custom sizes all are available for mining machines.



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