Wear resistant ceramic lining abrasion damage analysis

 Wear resistant ceramic lining is ideal abrasion resistant materials for industry wear protection , but alumina ceramic liner also can abrade for long time usage.so we should analyze it from different aspects.

Analyzing and summarizing the reason of wear resistant ceramic lining wear damage.we can understand two main reason to cause ceramic liner worn out ,onr one external factor, the other is the internal factors. External factors include frictional, environment,load, sliding speed, temperature, time and so on. Internal factors include the hardness, strength, toughness, elastic modulus, particle size, porosity, grain boundaries are equal.

For the past,abrasion resistant materials is mostly concentrated in metal alloys, coatings and polymers. At present, people have a lot of ceramics & composites research for AL2O3, ZrO2, SIC, SI3N4 in wear and mechanism property,since the ceramic itself has different structure and character property with metal materials , so we wil encounter much diffculty if studying ceramics with metal wear damage theory. 

The wear damange of wear resistant ceramic lining can generally be divided into cutting wear,fatigue wear,adhesive wear, abrasive wear, impact wear and other categories, since each kind of wear damage principe is different, so wear mechanisms are quite different, but in practice application or testing, they are often not isolated acts, but interrelated and influence with each other, sometimes a mechanism performance significantly, sometimes two or several mechanisms work together.



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