Wear resistant ceramic adhesive aging performance discrimination method

Wear resistant ceramic adhesive aging performance discrimination method

Wear-resistant ceramic adhesive paste plays a key role in project., directly affect the quality of the project, the general engineering contract warranty period is basically in about 5 years,  ceramic adhesive bonding performance sold in the current market is basically to meet the requirements,but products in anti-aging vary widely, good wear resistant ceramic adhesive aging period is up to eight years, poor wear-resistant ceramic glue water aging period is generally less than three years.  Wear resistant ceramic adhesive agining performance can not directly determine the quality of the adhesive from the appearance of color, status before use.also cann't determine from ceramics glue water adhesive strength after use,only can know when wear resistant ceramics start to fall off.

Here briefly introduce the discriminating method of alumina ceramic adhesive agining properties:The matching ratio of adhesive.The matching ratio is determined by the selected curing agent,The 1:1 and 2:1 adhesive basically choose cheap low molecular polyamide curing agent,This kind of curing agent with adhesive aging resistance is generally bad,Some manufacturer will make certain modification on low molecular polyamide,Such as adding a small amount of aromatic amine to improve the low molecular polyamide curing temperature resistance and aging resistance,But the increase is limited,the agining performance by this way is much less than choosing all Aromatic amines, fatty amine, alicyclic amine or amine reduction ,The ratio of adhesive by use all Aromatic amines, fatty amine, alicyclic amine or amine reduction will be 3:1, 4:1 or 5:1



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