Our latest material focus highlights Alumina 92% and 99%

Our latest material focus highlights Alumina 92% and 99%. The former is also known as Hilox 950 although most frequently it is referred to as Sintox FA Ballistic, due to its predominant application, which will be explored in this post. The latter, Hilox 965 has many uses within medical and chemical sectors which will also be studied during the post.

Hilox 950 (Sintox FA Ballistic)
Sintox FA Ballistic has a minimum alumina (Al2O3) content of 99% and uses a formulation that delivers light weight and exceptional mechanical strength making it highly suitable for ballistic applications. As such, Sintox FA Ballistic is most frequently used within a military capacity, to armour a variety of vehicles.

Sintox FA Ballistic is available in a range of shaped into armour tiles which can be supplied in panel form for vehicular applications and also for personal, ergonomic body armour. Offering weight savings of up to 10%, the alumina ceramic provides mobility without sacrificing survivability. With thicknesses ranging from 4mm to 10mm Sintox FA Ballistic can be used to protect against small arms such as sub machine guns and pistols, through to assault rifles and 7.62mm rifles and machine guns.

Sintox FA Ballistic is manufactured by MTC Stourport and can be produced in a range of shapes, from single and double curvature monolithic tiles, smaller mosaic tiles for body and vehicle armour applications. The MTC Stourport engineers can also work with clients to develop prototypes, manufacturing anything from small batches to full scale, high volume production.

Hilox 965
Hilox 965 (Alumina 96%) utilises the durability of alumina and is frequently employed in applications where resistance to wear and quality surface finish are important. The primary features of Hilox 965 are robustness in physically and chemically abrasive environments as well as non porosity, high density, vacuum tightness and physical stability across a large range of temperatures.

Most frequently Hilox 965 is used to produce control valves in domestic and industrial applications and also for components placed under a great deal of stress such as counterface seats, bearings and chemical dosing pumps. MTC Stourport manufactures a variety of complex components utilising precision injection moulding and creates exact surface finishes using sub-micron grinding and finishing processes. If you would like to implement Hilox 965 components in your applications, please contact MTC Stourport.

Hilox alumina ceramics rely upon exceptional strength and light weight to manufacture components that protect troops within a military setting, as products in domestic appliances and industrial environments.

99% Alumina Balls (Al2O3: 99%) Type B99% Alumina Balls (Al2O3: 99%) Type A



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