Chemshun Ceramics Expomin 2018 news

Chemshun Ceramics Expomin 2018 news
Pingxiang Chemshun Ceramics Co.,LTD successfully attended the Expomin at April 23 to 27.2018 in Santiage-Chile,our hall is 1-J84.This event showcases products like Exploration Mining and Geological Mining, Drilling and Blasting Treatment and Disposal, Waste Mineros. Earthwork, excavation, leveling Transport and Logistics Metallurgical Processes.

Chemshun ceramics showed our wear-resistant ceramic products at this expomin,such as alumina ceramic linings, ZTA ceramic bricks, ZTA ceramic balls, all type of ceramic liners. These products used in the mining process industry.
During the expomin, we had a good interaction with customers, and some customers directly placed orders to us.
Chemshun ceramics have 15 years of experience in the production of wear-resistant ceramic products. We provide them with high-quality wear resistant ceramic products and provide them with the technical advice they need.
Looking forward to meeting you again on next Expomin in 2020.



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