How to choose right abrasion resistance ceramic liner for different application

How to choose right abrasion resistance ceramic liner for different application
Abrasion resistance ceramic liner is applied widely in the market,basically used in all factories .Chemshun Ceramics manufacturer mainly produce aluminum oxide ceramic linings for industrial wear protective solution. Here's how to correctly choose the right wear resistant alumina lining .
First, from the hardness point of view
Ceramic liner tile is mainly used in a variety of machinery and equipment in the factory ,different machineries and equipments need different alumina customer should share the working environment with ceramic producer,like working temperature,wear damage level,delivery materials ,surface area and angle and so on.cutting ceramic wear tile, standard tile with 25mm,50mm thickness. Alumina tile with more thickness is required for heavy wear damage.surface with different angle may need cutting engineered ceramics.
Second, from the perspective of firmness and heat resistance of ceramic liner
Aluminum oxide ceramic wear liner can also be used in steel smelting and other engineering equipment. the requirements for heat resistance and firmness are very high if used in these types of machinery plant equipment,. Because these machines often work in hot environment, if a part of the machine is not heat-resistant, there is no guarantee of safety during use and the service life of machinery and equipment will be weldable alumina tile and dove ceramic tile are suggested for these high temperature working condition.china ceramic manufacturing company ,Chemshun Ceramics welcome more users to consult.



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