How to cut alumina ceramic wear resistant tiles

How to cut alumina ceramic wear resistant tiles

Chemshun Ceramics manufacturer produce kinds of alumina ceramic wear resistant tiles with Al2O3 92%, 95%. ceramic tile liner installation precess devides cutting ceramic tile liner,ceramic epoxy adhesive mixing ,alumina tile welding.

Cutting ceramic tile liner : oxide Alumina tile is super hard,normal cutting materials is hard to finish, Chemshun Ceramics suggest you to use diamond blade,but first putting aluminum  oxide ceramic tile  in equipment surface, than cut the tile according to actual wear protective area size.

Ceramic epoxy resin adhesive mixing---ceramic adhesive includes A ,B two kinds.donn't mix them too much,and mixed epoxy resin is easy to solidify at low temperature.When applying, be careful not to block the holes in weldable sheet.

Ceramic tile welding--- installing alumina ceramic wear resistant tile by welding is for high impact resistance,installer put the small iron cap in the hole of alpha alumina tile by welding,at last put the small ceramic cap on the iron cap by epoxy resin .

Chemshun Ceramics offer standard and engineered custom ceramic tile liner for mining owners, welcome to inquiry by



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