What wear area need rubber ceramic wear liner ?

Abrasion resistant materials like alumina ceramic pipe, ceramic wear tile, alumina hexagonal tile ,  rubber ceramic wear liner are necessarily needed by bulk material handling industry.but different working condition need different wear resistant ceramic liner .so what working environment need rubber ceramic wear liner ? 
Chemshun Ceramics as alumina ceramic lining manufacturer with 15 years. mainly offer wear protective linings and engineered ceramics for industry company or end users. Chemshun would like to share our experience for rubber ceramic wear liner application.

 Rubber ceramic wear liner is used in Condition of extremely impact and abrasion,Typical materials handled like gypsum,lime,gravel,coal, ores, especially size more than 40mm.Machines like chute,hopper, bunker,stacker & reclaimer.

Chemshun Ceramics would like to help you more for your wear area equipment. detailed products in website: www.chemshun.com 



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